Athlete’s Foot

What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot, medically known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet. It’s part of a group of fungal infections called tinea. Athlete’s foot most commonly occurs between the toes but can affect the soles and sides of the feet.

What are the signs and symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?

  • Itching, stinging, and burning sensations between the toes or on the soles of the feet
  • Cracked, flaky, or peeling skin in the infected area
  • Redness and scaling on the feet
  • Blisters or ulcers that itch or are painful
  • Dry skin on the soles or sides of the feet

Athlete’s Foot FAQ

It’s caused by dermatophytes, a type of fungi that thrives in warm, moist environments like sweaty shoes, gym floors, and public showers.

Yes, athlete’s foot is highly contagious. It can spread through direct contact with an infected person or by touching surfaces contaminated with the fungus.

Preventive measures include keeping your feet dry, changing socks regularly, wearing breathable shoes, using antifungal powders or sprays, and wearing flip-flops in communal showers or locker rooms.

Treatment usually involves topical antifungal medications available over the counter. Severe or persistent cases may require prescription-strength creams or oral antifungal medication.

With proper treatment, most cases of athlete’s foot clear up within two to four weeks. However, the infection can recur, especially if preventive measures are not followed.

For a proper diagnosis and recommended treatment plan, we suggest you consult with a podiatrist for professional help and care.